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SGBotic Micro:bit Robot Board

7 pc(s)


SGBotic Micro:bit Robot Board is designed for development of an autonomous obstacle avoidance robot or line following robot using BBC micro:bit . This Robot Board is capable of driving two DC motors. It has a dedicated port for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and Line Follower Array . The...

SGBotic Micro:bit Robot Board is designed for development of an autonomous obstacle avoidance robot or line following robot using BBC micro:bit. This Robot Board is capable of driving two DC motors. It has a dedicated port for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and Line Follower Array. The onboard reverse voltage protection circuit prevents damage to the BBC micro:bit and other connected devices in the event of a reverse voltage applied at the input terminal.

The Robot Board gives access to all the I/O pins on the bottom edge of the BBC micro:bit. All the pins have been broken out to pads next to the edge connector on this Board, allowing access to the I/O lines, button A / B, LED matrix, SPI and I2C bus of the BBC Micro:bit. Separate port are provided on the Board for the I2C bus for easy identification and connection.

A customised Makecode extension has been developed to go with this Board.

Our EduFun Buggy for Micro:bit uses this Robot Board. You may refer to its user guide for details on how to incorporate this Robot Board into your mobile robot.

Note: The SGBotic Micro:bit Robot Board does NOT include the BBC micro:bit. The BBC micro:bit will need to be purchased separately.


  • 4.5 to 10V power supply
  • Reverse voltage protection
  • Drives two DC motors with full forward, reverse and stop control
  • Terminal blocks for easy connection of motors and inputs
  • Dedicated pin headers for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor, Line Follower Array
  • Provides regulated power to the BBC micro:bit
  • Breaks out I/O pins from the edge of the BBC micro:bit
  • Dedicated I2C bus pin header


Dimensions: 62 x 50mm

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